Tuesday, 5 March 2013

Apple and raisin porridge

Apple and Rasin Porridge

This is one of my favorite basic breakfasts. I often chop up the apple the night before, mix with the oats to stop it going brown and save myself a bit of time in the morning. Let’s face it at 7am no one wants to be wielding a knife and my family certainly don’t want me to be doing so!

  • 1 apple
  • small handful sunflower seeds
  • small handful raisins
  • 1/2 tsp cinnamon
  • 1 serving of oats (1/2 cup)
  • 1 serving of milk

  1. Chop up the apple, small and big pieces adds texture.
  2. Put the chopped apple, rasins and sunflower seeds into the bowl and sprinkle with cinnamon. Mix together. Then add the oats.
  3. Pour in the milk, if leaving overnight add a little more milk then normal (just a dash) as it will absorb into the oats. Top with nuts (or mix in).
  4. Microwave for 2-3mins
  5. A perfect warming meal!

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