Thursday, 7 February 2013

Ruby Jeweled porridge

Ruby Jeweled Porridge

Don't they just look like ruby's?!

Yesterday I came home to find my Dad had been shopping, and actually bought me something great! He presented me with a pomegranate and a strange fruit that looked like a giant tomato (more about that tomorrow!) .As I'm still fighting off a cold I went for the antioxidant packed pomegranate for today's breakfast.

I love pomegranate but they are so fiddly to prepare. I have read about the spoon method, where you chop the fruit in half, then whack with a spoon until all the seeds fall out. I have tried this method but always just end up pulling the whole thing apart, which is effective if time consuming. Sprinkled
on top of the porridge they look like juicy little jewels.


  • 1 serving of oats
  • 1 serving of milk/water
  • Small handful (20ish grams) sunflower seeds
  • The seeds of 1/2 a pomegranate

  1. Pour the milk over the oats
  2. Mix in 3/4 of the pomegranate seeds, save the rest. Also stir in the sunflower seeds
  3. Cook for 2-3 mins
  4. Add the remainder of the pomegranate seeds.
  5. Enjoy!

Has anyone got a better way to prepare pomegranate?

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