Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Shannon fruit porridge

Shannon Fruit porridge

Remember a few days ago I said my Dad bought me a strange orange fruit like a tomato? Well he told me it was a summer fruit-only 50p in ASDA. But after much googling it turns out it was a Sharon fruit! Some people said it tastes like a sweeter tomato others like plum, so I thought I’d give it a go in porridge.
I added pumpkin seeds for protein and also because they look rather nice against the yellow don't you think? Dates give sweetness and make it all a bit more tropical!

To prep the fruit you have to peel it (I used a potato peeler) then just chop it up. The flesh is a nice orangy yellow-and I think it actually tastes rather like melon. Anyhow it is still in season right now and worth a try if you can find it.

Recipe--for 1
  • 1/2 cup oats (or 1 serving)
  • 1/2 cup milk
  • 1/2 shannon fruit (peeled and chopped)
  • 20g *ish pumpkin seeds
  • A few dates, chopped

  1.   Pour the milk over the oats
  2. Mix in the fruit and pumpkin seeds
  3.  Cook in microwave for 2-3 mins
  4. Top with dates and enjoy!

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